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The Network meets with the Global Fund for Human Rights

Today, on May 15, 2018, the Fund’s strategic planning meeting was opened in Kyiv to respond comprehensively to human rights violations in access to HIV and TB services.

Key stakeholders, government representatives and international partners took part in that meeting. During the first day, there were the following speakers: Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Dmytro Sherembei; Director General of the Public Health Center of Ukraine Volodymyr Kurpita; UNAIDS Country Director in Ukraine Yacek Tyszko; Senior Coordinator for Human Rights at the GF Ralf Jürgens; WHO Representative Marthe Everard; and Viorel Soltan from the Stop TB Partnership.

The Fund chose Ukraine as one of the 20 countries to receive intensive support in fighting against the HIV/TB epidemic. “One of the most important aspects of this struggle is the right to access to treatment that should be provided to every patient regardless of status, sex or lifestyle,” said Dmytro Sherembei, Chairman of the Network. “Our goal, as a patients’ organization, is to maximally inform all interested parties about the needs and problems patients face during the treatment.”

“We hope that the comprehensive approach to human rights programs will help early detection of HIV and TB among key population groups, as well as treatment initiation and adherence,” said Serhiy Kondratyuk, the Network’s Policy and Advocacy Expert. “It will help to effectively fight to stop these epidemics in Ukraine.”

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