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Chief doctors from 23 regions trained in access to treatment


Specialists of the AIDS Centres from 23 regions of Ukraine and regional representatives of the Network have participated in the training “Providing Qualitative and Affordable HIV and Hepatitis Treatment in Ukraine”, which was organized by the Network from 18 to 19 September, 2017, in Kyiv.

Issues related to production and quality control of HIV and hepatitis C medicines, management of side effects and using new HIV treatment regimens, as well as modern mechanisms and international experience in access to treatment were considered during the training.

“Ukraine adopted the 90/90/90 concept and we will not stop the epidemic in our country without this tool,” says Serhiy Dmitriev, the Network Policy and Advocacy Director. “This is the country’s position and its obligations to the Global Fund, USAID, international donors but, first of all, to all HIV-positive patients in Ukraine. To stop the epidemic, we must expand access to treatment by all means.”

The training was conducted by the Biochemist Scientist and the Expert in Public Health Alex Schneider, the Network Expert on Access to Treatment Serhiy Kondratyuk, the International Relations Advisor of the Network and the communities’ delegation member in UNITAID Oleksandr Volgin, the Deputy Director-General of the Public Health Centre Larysa Getman, and the Patent Law Consultant Oksana Kashchintseva.


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