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On December 1, the world speaks about global solidarity in the fight against HIV

On World AIDS Day, Ukrainian activists, national and international experts came together to demonstrate global solidarity  and shared responsibility in the fight against the epidemic.   

It is the theme titled “Global Solidarity, Shared Responsibility”, which UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS) chose for December of 1 this year. The largest patient-led organization CO “100% Life” brought together partners to call on everyone to think of their health and contribute to a healthier world. 

By December 1, activists from all regions of Ukraine, together with partners and donors, recorded an inspiring video clip about the fight against HIV and for the sake of life.


“I speak on behalf of the largest patient-led community, on behalf of the 169,000 HIV positive Ukrainians who have a chance of life thanks to the achievements we have in Ukraine. The world has no right to stop fighting HIV. 

After all, even in the face of a pandemic, we must do everything possible to maintain services and affordable treatment. You can live with HIV. 

What’s most important is to diagnose the disease in time and start treatment,” says Dmytro Sherembei, Head of CO “100% Life”. 

It is estimated that more than 251,000 people are living with HIV in Ukraine. One in three HIV-positive people still either

does not know his/her HIV status or remains outside of health care and therefore does not receive treatment. 

Timely diagnosis of HIV and the initiation of treatment guarantee a long full life. 

HIV testing in Ukraine is free. You can take the rapid HIV test by visiting your family doctor. 

You can order an oral HIV test at home for free or find the nearest testing point using the “I want to be examined” option on the website 


Join the World AIDS Day – add a special frame to your profile picture on Facebook and repost a video. 

Fight for life with us #FightForLife #WorldAIDSDay2020 


CO “100% Life” is the largest patient-led organization in Ukraine, whose mission is to fight for Life. CO “100% Life” works with and for patients in 25 regions of Ukraine, representing the interests of people living with HIV. 

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