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What opportunities telemedicine provides in times of war


Due to war, many people have lost direct access to medical advice and are forced to rely only on online or telephone channels. Consequently, all these requests fell on the contact center team of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, who had to consult a huge number of patients on the daily basis. Though the majority of Ukrainians still did not know about the existence of telemedicine (official contact center and chatbots).


As a result:

  • The contact center team is burned-out and exhausted;
  • A significant part of the population of Ukraine (primarily in the temporarily occupied territories) does not have access to their family doctors.

Your Family Doctor team in partnership with the USAID HealthLink project created landing pages with contacts, checklists, and action algorithms to make the consultation as efficient as possible. You can get acquainted with them by following the links below:


Landing page with the contact center of the Ministry of Health

Landing page with chatbots on Facebook and Telegram


Moreover,  banner advertising has been launched, released several media materials and publications in the project’s social networks to reach the maximum number of people both in the free and temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.




As part of the project, we also conducted the “Reboot Marathon” – a series of three webinars on self-help. We targeted the needs of the contact center team as well as the challenges faced by doctors from different regions of Ukraine. 


We encourage you to watch the training materials if you also provide telehealth services or work with people during these challenging times. Recorded webinars are available at the links below:


Webinar #1: How to accept life changes and find a comfort zone in difficult life situations

Webinar #2: Total overload. What to do when you don’t have time for anything?

Webinar #3: What to do when emotions are over the edge and they interfere with work



All materials were developed by the team of the “Your Family Doctor” project. The project was implemented with the support of the USAID HealthLink project.


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