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The Day will be held in Kyiv with Elton John

At the end of May, Sir Elton John, the world-known singer, public figure and founder of the charity foundation aimed at fighting AIDS, will visit Ukraine again at the invitation of the Elena Pinchuk Foundation. In the framework of Sir Elton John’s trip in Kyiv, the Elena Pinchuk Foundation, supported by Art Zavod Platforma, Kurazh Bazar, the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH and the Radio HIT FM will hold an informational charitable event “The Day with Elton John” aimed at HIV preventing and engaging Ukrainians in the fight against AIDS in Ukraine

On Monday, May 28, during an additional official day off, the special Kurazh Bazar will be conducted at the Art Zavod Platforma in Kyiv. The program of this event was jointly developed by the Elena Pinchuk Foundation and partners, and the legendary singer Elton John will be the guest there. Sir Elton John will meet Ukrainian fighters with AIDS and talk to HIV-positive people.

The guests of the event will be able to visit a photo exhibition showing the history of 11-year cooperation between the Elena Pinchuk Foundation and the Elton John AIDS Foundation. An international art project, created by one of the most famous contemporary artists Ai Weiwei at the request of Elton John, will be presented in Kyiv once again.

The cost of an entrance ticket will be 100 UAH. All money received from sales of tickets on this day will be spent on the implementation of the project on the creation of an information and educational center for youth in Kyiv.

The All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH, a long-term partner of the Elena Pinchuk Foundation, will present an interactive program, including educational lectures, quests, labyrinth, HIV testing, etc. Well-known Ukrainian media specialists and activists will lecture, in particular on tolerance and non-discrimination, on sexual education and biology of sexuality. All visitors will be offered an online HIV testing that determines the risk of the HIV infection. A free rapid HIV testing station will also work all the day.

Radio HIT FM will present special reports from its interactive studio, interviewing participants and guests in real time, and broadcasts them throughout Art Zavod Platforma. The musical program will be entirely devoted to the creative work of Elton John.

Durex, one of the world’s most famous brands of condoms will also conduct special interactive actions.

All updates in the program of the event will be published on the Facebook page of Kurazh Bazar.

This event will continue a comprehensive program and information campaign focusing on the HIV prevention and fight against AIDS in Ukraine, which the Elena Pinchuk Foundation has implemented in partnership with the Elton John AIDS Foundation and other organizations for over 10 years. In the evening of May 27, Kurazh Bazar will show on the big screen, the main scene, the legendary concert the singer gave on Independence Square in Kyiv in June 2007, when he made the appeal to all Ukrainians – “Stop AIDS together!”

Contact information for the press: Pavlo Piminov, Communications Director at the Elena Pinchuk Foundation: +380 67 466 8736,

#День_з_Елтоном_Джоном (#Day_with_Elton_John)

#Елтон_на_Куражі (#Elton_at_Kurazh)

# Зупинимо_СНІД_разом! (#Stop_AIDS_Together)

“The Day with Elton John” is an informational charitable event organized by the Elena Pinchuk Foundation with the partner support of Art Zavod Platforma, Kurazh Bazar, the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH and the Radio HIT FM and aimed at HIV preventing and engaging Ukrainians in the fight against AIDS in Ukraine


The Elton John AIDS Foundation ( is one of the leading international nonprofit organizations working continuously to support those who have suffered from HIV. The foundation, implementing a number of fundraising initiatives, has raised more than £ 220 million for 25 years. For each pound sterling, the foundation raised additionally 1 pound sterling from other donors and partners. These funds are used to finance programs that help alleviate the lives of people with HIV and AIDS, or those who are at risk. Founding’s objectives are to prevent HIV, provide treatment, stop discrimination and promote social and political changes.

The Elena Pinchuk Foundation ( was founded in September 2003. The main targets of its work are the fight against AIDS and healthy lifestyle; mentoring and educational projects aimed at young girls and women; and involvement of the best international humanitarian experience in Ukraine.


The All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS ( is the largest patients’ organization of our country. Its goal is to overcome the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine. The Network works with patients and for patients, representing the interests of people living with HIV in 25 regions of the country.

Art Zavod Platforma ( is an intellectual campus. It is the largest creative and cultural complex in Ukraine with a unique ecosystem, which combines business, art, education, festivals, co-working and an inspirational atmosphere. Philosophy of the Art Zavod Platforma is to promote the disclosure of the human potential in all segments of the creative economy and to create an environment for the innovation development and networking.

Kurazh Bazar ( is a charitable Kyiv ‘flea market’ with the most inclusive children’s area, entertainment for all, a lecture center, dog gatherings and a food court that has collected all the favorite shops. Kurazh Bazar is conducted monthly at Art Zavod Platforma.

HIT FM ( is a radio station number one in Ukraine. This station has been a leader in the Ukrainian broadcasting market for more than 10 years, and it has one of the largest country networks, broadcasting in more than 100 cities. Four million listeners are tuned in HIT FM every week. The station is broadcasting hit songs of Western and Ukrainian pop singers.

For more information, please contact Pavlo Piminov, Communications Director at the Elena Pinchuk Foundation: +380 67 466 8736,

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