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The online course of the Network and Prometheus showed a high performance


Online course “Social support and work with people with chronic diseases” has become one of the most successful courses deployed at the Prometheus educational platform, according to the ratio of registered and certified students. The course was designed, developed and implemented by the Network and Prometheus with the support of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) within the framework of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

968 students subscribed to the course during the registration and active phase; average age of students is 34.

Most of the listeners are social workers. As soon as after the first week and after the end of the active phase, 213 students received digital certificates of successful completion of the course.

“The performance rate −  22% − not only confirms its quality and necessity, but also suggests the fundamental change in the stereotype that social workers have conservative attitudes towards innovative teaching methods. We are very pleased with the cooperation with the Network of PLWH and once again realized that with the Prometheus technology and professional teachers the remote education mode will prevail in the future”, emphasized Victoria Prymachenko, Prometheus Chairman of the Board.

Students obtained social work and counseling skills. With the guidance of professional lecturers, they touched on difficult topics to discuss. In particular, the acceptance of a serious illness – that is, how to help a person who found themselves facing a terrible diagnosis. The course also included a subject almost tabooed in society − the theme of death, where teachers told about the basic principles of working with a patient in a terminal condition.

“As the head of the largest patient organization, I am convinced that the successful curbing of the HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis epidemic in Ukraine depends on the level of social workers training. I invite all those who wish to take advantage of the opportunity of remote education”, said Dmytro Sherembey, Chairman of the Network of PLWH.

Despite the fact that the active phase of the course is completed, it remains generally accessible on the Prometheus and anyone can pass it on their own.

About the course

The course lasts 6 weeks, where each week is focused on a specific topic and is divided into sub-topics. After each lecture week, the students must complete a test of 10 questions. After the course students pass a final test of 12 mandatory questions. Each of the weekly tests is scored at 10 points, the final test – 40 points. You can get a certificate by obtaining 61 points out of 100.

All course materials and the possibility to obtain a certificate are available for a period of three years.

Course Program and lecturers:

  • Introductory lesson − Dmytro Sherembey, Chairman of the Coordination Council of All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV, activist and advocate for the rights of patients for many years;
  • Social work and counseling Olena Savchuk, Associate PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the School of Social Work of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, MSc in Social Work.
  • Basic theoretical framework for counseling and support of clients with a chronic disease Olha Luchinskaya, medical psychologist, postgraduate of the National Academy of Public Administration at the President of Ukraine.
  • Individual Representation of Interests (IRI) Oksana Volhina, MSc of Social Work, Senior Lecturer of the School of Social Work of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
  • Case management Natalia Gusak, Associate PhD of Sociology, MSc of Social Work, Associate Professor, Head of the School of Social Work of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
  • Palliative care; adherence to treatment Olena Solovyova, analytical psychologist, social pedagogics specialist.


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