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Training “Conducting testing and counseling on HIV and providing a continuum of services”

 The training “HIV Testing and Counselling, and Providing a Continuum of Services”, which was organized by the Network’s Treatment Programme Department, was held from 1 to 12 of December 2017, in Kyiv.

The training was attended by 29 employees of regional NGOs that conduct HIV counselling and testing in 20 regions of Ukraine.

The purpose of the training was to improve the quality and effectiveness of HIV testing and counselling; to ensure rapid acceptance for outpatient treatment and immediate prescription of ARV treatment in case of positive results; to define the functions of members of multidisciplinary teams during HIV testing and the interaction between NGOs and medical institutions.

The training was conducted by coaching team members: Lilia Duma, Natalia Dmitrishina, Tatyana Stepchenkova and Oksana Savenko.

In the framework of the training, a workshop was conducted to practice the skills of HIV testing and counselling for each participant, to work in groups and to do situational exercises.

Following the training, the Treatment Programme Department will assess the questions of HIV counselling and testing, which need to be improved.


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