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Webinar on the Global Fund grant, October 17-19, 2017


Here is the information for organizations wishing to participate in the Webinar dedicated to the Global Fund grant.

Below is the information on the date of the webinars.

October 17: Monitoring and Evaluation


Anastasia Mazurenko, Senior Specialist of the Monitoring and Evaluation Department, the Network.

Tatyana Mikhalchuk, Senior Manager for Programme Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting to Donors, the Alliance for Public Health.

October 18: Programme’s Issues


Irina Ageeva, Director of Programmes and Projects, the Network

Kristina Vilura, Senior Programme Specialist, the Alliance for Public Health

October 19: Financial Issues


Olena Dzvonkovskaya, Head of Financial Grant Management Department, the Network.

Olga Zozulinskaya, Head of Programme Activities Financial Support, the Alliance for Public Health.

The beginning of all webinars is at 11.00 a.m.

Organizations that have submitted applications for participation in the webinar will receive a letter with a link and instructions.


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