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The network “100 percent of life in Rivne” became a co-organizer of the conference “Practice of palliative care in the Eurasian region. Exchange of experience”


On October 17 and 18, 2017, the international conference “Practice of Palliative Care in the Eurasian Region. Experience Exchange” will be conducted in Ivano-Frankivsk. The following specialists will take part in the event: palliative care experts from more than 10 countries, as well as representatives of the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Europe and Central Asia Division of the Human Rights Watch, and the Open Society Foundations. The Conference is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Regional Clinical Centre of Palliative Care in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.

Travel, accommodation and meals of participants are provided by the the Network. Rivne with the support of the European Union in the framework of the project “Ensuring the Protection of Palliative Care Patients through Civil Society Organizations Working in the Area of Palliative Care”.

Dates: October 17-18, 2017.

Venue:  hotel “Nadiya”, 40, Nezalezhnosti (Independence) Street, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


The Conference sections:

  • Balanced approaches to the drug policy in the Eurasian region.
  • Spiritual support of seriously ill patients in palliative care.
  • Advocacy for palliative care. How we can talk with different target groups about palliative care.
  • Treatment of chronic pain. Practical issues.
  • Organization and provision of palliative care for children.
  • Financing of palliative services. How to find resources?
  • Organization of mobile services of palliative care.
  • Education in palliative care.


The main speakers will be: Ulana Suprun, Minister of Health of Ukraine; Dr Marthe Everard, WHO Representative, Head of the WHO Office in Ukraine; Mary Calloway, Open Society Foundations, USA; Mykola Rozhko, Rector of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University; Victoria Tymoshevska, Director of the Public Health Programme Initiative, International Renaissance Foundation; Lyudmila Andriishyn, Chief Specialist in Palliative Care of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region; Jerzy Jarosz, St Christopher’s Oncological Hospice in Warsaw, Poland, Consultant to WHO; Tanya Cooper, Ukrainian Researcher of the Europe and Central Asia Department, Human Rights Watch, Kyiv, Ukraine; Eva Movsesyan, Coordinator of the CAHD Programme, Arabkir MC, Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Armenia; Dr. Nigori Abidzhonova, Director of the Public Health, Migration and Economic Development Programme, Open Society Foundations, Tajikistan, and others.

The conference will be interesting for practicing doctors, pharmacists, healthcare managers, journalists, who cover social issues, and the general public.

More information you can find at:

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