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The network teaches subgranets

In June 2018, specialists of the Network’s Financial Grant Management Team conducted two training sessions for accountants and financial specialists of sub-grantee organizations.

The training was held due to the support of the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The first day was dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and skills of accountants and financial specialists to improve the quality of financial reporting, avoid mistakes and penalties, as well as standardize approaches to their work.

On the second day of the training, the head of Human Resources Team Iuliia Kachanova was invited. She provided extensive information and practical examples of work with staff and documentation. This training day was especially important for organizations whose funding and, hence, the number of staff were significantly increased.

On the third day, practical activities were focused on training to work with an electronic document management system and testing this system. The Network converts the financial reporting of sub-grantees into an electronic document management system that accelerates data transfers between regions and central offices, saves time and money for reporting, and provides quick access and secure storage of information.

As a result of the training, all participants received educational literature and certificates.

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