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Ukrainians are proposed with medicines for indifference

Activists present unique “Medicines for Indifference” coincide with the World Remembrance Day of AIDS Victims, which is traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of May.

This year, the World Remembrance Day of AIDS Victims is dedicated to strengthening the struggle for health and the rights of patients because today, provided that detection is early and therapy is appropriate, HIV-positive people can live full lives.

On May 17, 2019, at 10.00 a.m., the “Medicines for Indifference” action will take place near the Red Ribbon Memorial (15 Lavrska St.) with the participation of the authorities and the public. This action launches the European Testing Week, which is held in Ukraine by the Public Health Center of MOH.

All participants of the action will receive symbolic medicines for indifference, Bono Animo, the active substance of which are tolerance, understanding and solicitude.


The following speakers will take part in a briefing scheduled for media representatives:

  • Dmytro Sherembei, the chairperson of “100%Life” (the Network of PLWH);
  • Roman Ilyk, Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine;
  • Volodymyr Kurpita, the director of the Public Health Center, MOH of Ukraine;
  • Roman Gaylevich, the UNAIDS Director in Ukraine;
  • Mykola Povoroznyk, the first deputy mayor of Kyiv;
  • Olga Rudneva, the director of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation;
  • Andriy Klepikov, the executive director of the Alliance for Public Health.

“During the action, you can contribute to the flashmob #ЛікиВідБайдужості (#MedicinesForIndifference). It is only necessary to make a photo with medicines, to publish it in social networks and to call on others to get tested for HIV. Do not be indifferent – test yourself and your loved ones! is the main message of this action,” says Dmytro Sherembei, the chairperson of the CO “100%Life”.

All interested people will also be able to take an HIV test directly on the site, in a special mobile laboratory.

Actions on the occasion of the World Remembrance Day of AIDS Victims will be conducted in all regions of Ukraine.

You can learn more about accreditation to participate in the event in Kyiv and about additional information from Halyna Aliikina (+38(067) 466 8737 and

Brief information on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine

Ukraine today occupies one of the first places among the countries of the European region in terms of the number of HIV-positive people. According to updated estimates, at the beginning of 2019, about 200,000 HIV-positive people live in our country. From 1987 to 2018, 48 456 deaths from AIDS-related illnesses were registered in the country.

The main mode of HIV transmission is sexual relationships, 65.6%. Timely diagnosis of HIV status and initiation of treatment ensure long productive life. As of January 1, 2019, 102,432 people received therapy, while in 2009 there were 15,871 of such people. Therapy allows people with HIV to live. Testing for HIV in Ukraine is free. The closest test point can be found at


CO “100%Life” (the Network of PLWH)

As the largest patients’ organization in Ukraine, CO “100%Life” has been working in the field of HIV service since 2002. Annually, more than 190,000 clients receive help from the CO “100%Life”.

The CO “100%Life”, with the assistance of the Global Fund and USAID (the HealthLink project), implements the largest HIV prevention projects in the country, which are intended to fight against the HIV epidemic in Ukraine.

The organization is recognized as the largest philanthropist of Ukraine according to the ratings of the Ukrainian Philanthropists Forums in 2016 and 2017.

#ЛікиВідБайдужості  #FightForLife  #100LIFE

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