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The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education and Science has supported Bill 7538

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education has supported the bill 7538 and recommended it for the first reading in the Verkhovna Rada.

Bill No. 7538 is an important step towards reducing the cost of treatment in Ukraine. It improves the legal framework of intellectual property protection and inventions patenting, and especially it makes it impossible to artificially renew pharmaceutical companies’ patents for medicines. This will stop the practice of issuing “evergreen patents” which allow pharmaceutical companies intentionally to maintain a monopoly and super-high prices on the Ukrainian market.

For Ukrainian patients, this means reducing prices of medicines in tens of times and increasing the availability of treatment at public expense.

The pharmaceutical business is interested in preserving the current state of affairs. Therefore, it was extremely important for the patients’ community to attract public attention to this bill, prevent it from “getting lost” in the offices or making corrections to it, which would destroy the very idea of changes.

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