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Unbreakable 2022: the biggest HIV testing project_HealthLink: How did we work and what did we achieve

About 83,000 Ukrainians tested their HIV status during 2022 as part of HealthLink, the largest national testing project implemented by CO 100% Life with the support of USAID.

90% of newly diagnosed HIV patients are already receiving ARV therapy, and therefore have a chance to live a full life.


“It takes our breath away when we realize that the increase in the detection level of people living with HIV has become possible! This has happened despite the war, the urgently reaquired migration of regional teams, the occupation and destruction of both medical facilities and our offices. Doing the impossible every day is no longer a superpower but a new reality,” — says Khrystyna Brodych, project manager of the Accelerating Ukraine’s Efforts to End HIV HealthLink project. — “War not only brings losses and damages but also pushes us to instantly respond to new needs and invent efficient ways of working in specifically difficult conditions”

The 100% Life team implementing the HealthLink project has prepared an annual report on the project activities under the emergency conditions of Russia’s war against Ukraine.
We are truly thankful to all partners of the project for their extraordinary efforts because we work for our victory together.
A Completely Unusual Year 2022. How we worked and what we have achieved
Below are two language versions of the HealthLink Project Activity Report:


We have also prepared guidelines for healthcare workers and NGO representatives on how to communicate about HIV, which were developed based on the results of the study on HIV communication processes conducted the HealthLink project in 2021-2022.
Guide for healthcare workers
• Guide for NGO representatives

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