CO “100% LIFE” — the largest patient organization in Ukraine

We work to provide 100% access to treatment to 100% of Ukrainian patients. We strive to change the better the quality of live for HIV-positive people, as well as to promotre the rights and freedoms of people living with HIV, TB and HCV including the right to self-determination and the right to make desicions directly influencing their lives. Join us if you share our values!

About us
CO «100% Life» (former the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH) is the largest patient-led organization in Ukraine. The Network works with patients and for patients, including representation of the interests of people living with HIV in 25 regions of Ukraine. The Network has been operating since 2001, annually the Network provides services to more than 190,000 patients, 90,000 of whom are PLWH. CO «100% Life» became the largest philanthropist of the 2016 and 2017 according to the Ukrainian Philanthropic Forum.

Our every action and decision are aimed to overcoming of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine. The Network works with patients and for patients. We represent the interests of PLWH in 25 regions of Ukraine and are struggling to ensure that 100% of patients with HIV have 100% access to treatment.
Join us!


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